Where Am I On This Journey?
I am, by the few accounts I'm able to come by, an "intermediate" guitarist. Those accounts are a recent guitar teacher who referred to me as an intermediate level guitarist (this surprised me, as I'd never really classified myself at any level in guitar, and I certainly wouldn't have put myself at intermediate. So it was a pleasant surprise), this article (or one very similar), and another article I discovered in the past five minutes while trying to find the previous article. According to the last article, I may even begin approaching the advanced phase based on the hours listed (and the dubious tie to the 10,000 rule). While I don't believe that creativity and artistic ability can be measured in a purely objective fashion, I do believe that having some measure of that ability helps to instill confidence in people who otherwise lack it and suffer from impostor syndrome, endlessly questioning themselves about whether they're good enough or should ju...